Green Force - Lawn Gold Classic 10Kg

Product Description:

Green Force - Lawn Gold Classic

New from Hygeia - an organic based lawn fertiliser. Treats your moss while feeding your lawn with a slow release technology. No raking of treated moss. 

An organic based lawn fertiliser with added calcium. ‘‘Slow Release Technology’’–  feeds your lawn throughout the season.

  • Contains Organic Manure which feeds your lawn and Seaweed which helps stimulate healthy growth
  • Nourishes the lawn with all essential nutrients
  • Gives excellent indirect action against moss, inhibiting its growth, while giving the grass the nutrients it needs to inhibit moss. Moss typically breaks down after a few weeks allowing the grass to thrive – no need to rake out
  • Large, dust free granules for ease of spreading
  • An ideal feed which can be applied anytime from March to October

Application rate:

For standard lawns: apply evenly at 50g/m2 (bag covers 100m2). For lawns in poor condition: apply evenly at 125g/m2 (bag covers 50m2).  Greenforce Lawn Gold will not scorch the grass when applied correctly.

General advice:

Once the product is fully watered in, children and pets need not be excluded. Keep grazing pets, such as rabbits, off treated areas for 4 weeks. The product can be used around trees in the lawn but avoid contact with the foliage.  For lawns with naturalised bulbs – wait until all bulb foliage has died down before applying.