Iodophar Teat Dip 4:1 25ltr

Product Description:

25 Litres make 125 litres
A ready-to-use dip or spray for routine use after milking as a teat skin conditioning aid. Iodophor Teat Dip 4:1 is a dark brown Iodophor solution with glycerine. Iodophors are effective against the major microorganisms found on dairy farms.


  • A 4:1 Iodophor with a good emollient level that gives superb skin condition.
  • The Iodophor gives bactericidal activity against microorganisms.

Use Instructions

  • Wash and dry the udder and teats before milking.
  • Iodophor Teat Dip 4:1 is a concentrated formulation and needs to be diluted before use.
  • Prepare a fresh solution daily.
  • Wash and dry the udder and teats before milking.

Teat Dipping

Dilute one part of Iodophor 4:1 with four parts of clean water and mix well. Directly after milking each cow the full lenght of each teat in the diluted solution. The teat dip cup should be kept topped up during milking. Teat dip cups should be emptied after milking and washed before re-use.

Teat Spraying

Dilute one part of Iodophor 4:1 four parts of clean water and mix well. Directly after milking each cow spray the entire surfact of each teat with this diluted solution.