Thrust 5 Litre

Product Description:

Thrust - 5 Litre

Thrust is a strong selective weed killer for the control of annual and broad-leaved weeds in agricultural and amenity grassland. Whilst this product is highly effective on weeds such as thistle, dock, plantain, soft rush and buttercups, it is particularly effective on the troublesome weed, ragwort. Thrust can be applied on paddocks and pasture as it will not harm the grass. It can be applied through a vehicle mounted or hand held sprayer making it a useful and versitile product.

This Product Carries a MAPP Number

Active Ingredient - 344g/L 24-D + 120g/L dicamba

Treats / Kills - Buttercup, Dock, Nettle, Plantain, Ragwort, Soft Rush, Thistle

Area Covered - 3.75 Acres

  • Unique combination of active ingredients to maximise control of Ragwort.
  • Control of other important perennial weeds in grassland.
  • Amenity grassland recommendation.
  • Approved for application through both knapsack or mounted boom sprayers.
  • Specific label recommendation with Nufarm Cropoil to further improve control of Ragwort.